Summer Vacation by CynthiaOsorio
  1. CynthiaOsorio's Gallery
  2. Summer VacationSummer Vacation
palm trees
watched Lost
practiced my photoshop
im a lizard
sobbing adrian
eastlake dam
park with my little cousin
del mar fair
fish we won at the fair
adrian and i
stayed home
went to in n' out
played piano when i was extremely bored
ate pizza
fishies died :-(
babysitted my nieces
went to the petting zoo
got my license
watched netflix on the ps3
wreck this journal
went to the pool
palm trees watched Lost practiced my photoshop sobbing adrian eastlake dam park with my little cousin del mar fair fish we won at the fair adrian and i stayed home went to in n' out played piano when i was extremely bored ate pizza fishies died :-( babysitted my nieces went to the petting zoo got my license watched netflix on the ps3 wreck this journal went to the pool
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