Photojournalism days by GeneGabry
GeneGabry's Gallery GeneGabry's Gallery
  1. GeneGabry's Gallery
  2. Photojournalism daysPhotojournalism days
Marie Osmond
Marie Osmond performing in 1992. Shot on Kodak Tmax 400, Canon T90, Vivitar 80-200mm lens. From my photo journalism days at a local newspaper. Negative scanned via ION Film2SD
Photo taken with Pentax K1000, 50mm Pentax F1.8 lens on Kodak Tmax 400. Camera positioned on top of fence post with manual shutter plunger. Don't remember settings anymore! Inside feature photo for local newspaper, 1992.
Canon T-90, Vivitar 80-200mm lens, Tmax 400 pushed to 1600. For local news paper sports feature. Mid 1990's sometime.
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