The Millionaire Maker by Lindsayroberts
Lindsayroberts's Gallery Lindsayroberts's Gallery
  1. Lindsayroberts' Gallery
  2. The Millionaire MakerThe Millionaire Maker
The New Perfect Gift
The Twelve Universal Laws of Success: 200 page best-selling step-by-step success guide that has over 600,000 copies in print and translated into eight languages. Topics include: “Nine Rules for Becoming a Success”, “How to convert dreams into reality”, “How to create wealth”, “Overcoming Procrastination and Lack of Focus”, “Building Positive Relationships”,The 2014 Success Calendar: a month-at-a-glance calendar that includes inspirational photographs, affirmations, and thoughts for each month. It also provides an area to write and visualize your monthly goals.The Personal Success Workbook, a companion workbook that gives personal expression and written exercises that expand and enhance the material covered in The Twelve Universal Laws of Success. This workbook makes the material your own.
The New Perfect Gift
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