South Dakota Oct 2010 - D7000 by cironera
cironera's Gallery cironera's Gallery
  1. cironera's Gallery
  2. South Dakota Oct 2010 - D7000South Dakota Oct 2010 - D7000
Choo-choo CA/NV border
Zorro drives deep
Near Coalville, Utah
Huge windmill blades
Lusk, Wyoming
Lusk, Wyoming
Landmark... moved?
near Murdo, SD
near Murdo, SD
near Vivian, SD
near Vivian, SD
near Vivian, SD
John Deeeere
Nice cock, there...
No.. not fake, real deer
Heading home, WY
Heading home, WY
Little America, WWY
Outside SLC, Utah
Great Salt Lake
Morton Salt Plant
choo choooo!
Choo-choo CA/NV border Zorro drives deep Near Coalville, Utah Huge windmill blades Lusk, Wyoming Lusk, Wyoming Landmark... moved? Maggie near Murdo, SD near Murdo, SD near Vivian, SD near Vivian, SD near Vivian, SD John Deeeere Nice cock, there... No.. not fake, real deer Heading home, WY Heading home, WY Little America, WWY Outside SLC, Utah Great Salt Lake Morton Salt Plant choo choooo!
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