Carny time in America by Neminem
Neminem's Gallery Neminem's Gallery
  1. Neminem's Gallery
  2. Carny time in AmericaCarny time in America
Setting up for the 4th in Liberty Park, NJ.
This guy feels like America.
I looked at this guy and thought...America...
...rugged, daring, smoking...
...this is an occupation of choice...
...akin to bridge building...
...I think Jack London would approve.
Old Glory.
Hair blowing in the wind, going for it.
There's a timelessness to this work.
Some assembly required.
Carnival colors.
Don't eat the brown acid.
Making it happen.
Setting up for the 4th in Liberty Park, NJ. I looked at this guy and thought...America... ...rugged, daring, smoking... ...this is an occupation of choice... ...akin to bridge building... ...I think Jack London would approve. Old Glory. Hair blowing in the wind, going for it. There's a timelessness to this work. w.i.p. Some assembly required. Carnival colors. Don't eat the brown acid. Making it happen. KaPlow!
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