Least Flycatcher 2014-05-24 IMG_9217 by DavidAWelch
DavidAWelch's Gallery DavidAWelch's Gallery
  1. DavidAWelch's Gallery
  2. 2014 Spring Migration2014 Spring Migration
  3. Least Flycatcher 2014-05-24 IMG_9217Least Flycatcher 2014-05-24 IMG_9217



Item information:

American Redstart 2014-05-17 IMG_7869 (American Redstart)
American Redstart 2014-05-24 IMG_9376 (American Redstart (f.))
Bay-breasted Warbler 2014-05-17 IMG_8048 (Bay-breasted Warbler)
Black-and-white Warbler 2014-05-24 IMG_9499 (Black-and-white Warbler)
Black-throated Green Warbler 2014-05-11 IMG_7764 (Black-throated Green Warbler)
Blackburnian Warbler 2014-05-18 IMG_8423 (Blackburnian Warbler)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2014-05-11 IMG_7740 (Blue-gray Gnatcatcher)
Blue-winged Warbler 2014-05-10 IMG_6989 (Blue-winged Warbler)
Bobolink 2014-05-25 IMG_9579 (Bobolink)
Canada Warbler 2014-05-19 IMG_9072 (Canada Warbler)
Cape May Warbler 2014-05-18 IMG_8408 (Cape May Warbler)
Chestnut-sided Warbler 2014-05-19 IMG_9156 (Chestnut-sided Warbler)
Chipping Sparrow 2014-04-27 IMG_6556 (Chipping Sparrow)
Common Yellowthroat 2014-05-25 IMG_0018 (Common Yellowthroat)
Eastern Bluebird 2014-05-25 IMG_9983 (Eastern Bluebird)
Field Sparrow 2014-05-10 IMG_7237 (Field Sparrow)
Gray Catbird 2014-05-19 IMG_9078 (Gray Catbird)
Hairy Woodpecker 2014-05-10 IMG_7295 (Hairy Woodpecker)
House Wren 2014-05-10 IMG_7158 (House Wren)
Least Flycatcher 2014-05-24 IMG_9217 (Least Flycatcher)
Magnolia Warbler 2014-05-17 IMG_8105 (Magnolia Warbler)
Mourning Warbler 2014-05-19 IMG_9115 (Mourning Warbler)
Nashville Warbler 2014-05-11 IMG_7430 (Nashville Warbler`)
Northern Parula 2014-05-11 IMG_7642 (Northern Parula)
Palm Warbler 2014-05-11 IMG_7678 (Palm Warbler)
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2014-05-17 IMG_0389 (Red-bellied Woodpecker)
Red-winged Blackbird 2014-04-12 IMG_5873 (Red-winged Blackbird)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 2014-05-04 IMG_6664 (Rose-breasted Grosbeak)
Savannah Sparrow 2014-05-25 IMG_9750 (Savannah Sparrow)
Scarlet Tanager 2014-05-17 IMG_8026 (Scarlet Tanager)
Tennessee Warbler 2014-05-18 IMG_8319 (Tennessee Warbler)
Tree Swallow 2014-05-10 IMG_7166 (Tree Swallow)
Veery 2014-05-17 IMG_8082 (Veery)
Warbling Vireo 2014-05-11 IMG_7582 (Warbling Vireo)
White-breasted Nuthatch 2014-05-10 IMG_7078 (White-breasted Nuthatch)
Wilson's Warbler 2014-05-24 IMG_9424 (Wilson's Warbler)
Wood Thrush 2014-05-19 IMG_8878 (Wood Thrush)
Yellow-rumped Warbler 2014-05-17 IMG_8060 (Yellow-rumped Warbler (f.))
Yellow Warbler 2014-05-17 IMG_7894 (Yellow Warbler)

Audio Mute
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