Album-20151021-1445 by DeannaFontenot
DeannaFontenot's Gallery DeannaFontenot's Gallery
  1. DeannaFontenot's Gallery
  2. Album-20151021-1445Album-20151021-1445
BMG9561 - Languedoc AOC Binnys Algonquin IL 10/17/2015
Pouring wine for a happy customer
BMG9561 - Languedoc AOC Binnys Algonquin IL 10/17/2015
Wines poured for customers
BMG 9561 - Languedoc AOC Binnys Algonquin IL 10/17/2015
Happy customers sampling wines
BMG9561 - Languedoc AOC Binnys Algonquin IL 10/17/2015 BMG9561 - Languedoc AOC Binnys Algonquin IL 10/17/2015 BMG 9561 - Languedoc AOC Binnys Algonquin IL 10/17/2015
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