Red and White Flowers by JasmynB5
JasmynB5's Gallery JasmynB5's Gallery
  1. JasmynB5's Gallery
  2. Week 4&5: NatureWeek 4&5: Nature
  3. Red and White FlowersRed and White Flowers

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Bush (I like the contrast in the photo. You have the yellow-green leaves on the left and the white branches on the right. Also, there is brown bark in the bottom left corner.)
Pink Flower-y Tree (I really love these pink flowers. Instead of them on the ground like where most of the flowers are, IT WAS ON THE TREE. So, of course, i had to change my point of view to get a good photo.)
Flowers on Tree (There were less flowers on the tree than the previous photo but there are pretty pink flowers on the tree. The lighting shows i was in a shady area and the sun was setting.)
Purple-ish Flowers (Here is contrats once again. I like this photo because you can the picture is clear and there is purple flowers mixed in with green leaves enclosed by a gray brick wall.)
One Hot Pink Flower (In this little bush, it was dominantly green leaves but few flowers decided to shine through, It is very easy to spot the hot pink flower.)
Pink-Red Flowers (The pink-red flowers look like mini pom-pom in a sea of green. The angle could be better but i like the overall photo.)
More Pink-Red Flowers (I love how you can see how sunny it was. The flowers so vivid. I could have framed it better and take out the houses but the result was a good photo.)
Red and White Flowers (The bark of the palm tree is surrounded by nature. The red petals of the flowers stand out the most when next to the white flowers.)
Red Orange Flowers (The redish flower has a orange thing shooting out from the center. It is breathing out fire. The background is pretty dull making the flower so out of place.)
Birds of Paradise (I went walking with my dad and he was telling me that this plant was called Birds of Paradise because to the side it looks like birds in a tropical region.)
Pink Rose..thing (I love this photo of this flower. The flower looks like it is being lit up from within. Nature amazes me.Also, the flower is like an outcast with the dull background.)
Pretty Pink Flowers (I like our nature is full of contrast. These pink flowers remind me of balls of pink just chilling on the branches.)
Little Purple Flowers (In the see of green, out pops  little purple monsters. In this photo there is curved lines from the curb, the leaves, and the petals.)
Trees + Sun (The nature in this photo are the trees that are leave-less and then the palm trees next to it. Oh, California.)
Green Leafy Bush: 43rd President (This part of the bush is just full of green leaves. the lighting of this photo makes the photo have some contrast as there are lighter green leaves up top and darker leaves on the bottom.)
Mini Palm Tree (Here in Chula Vista, palm trees are our trees. Anyway, i like how there are flowers surrounding the palm tree to add a little more beauty and color to it.)
Bush and Bushy Tree (There is so much green in this photo. Also, the drier-looking bush on the bottom looks like paint was splattered onto it.)
Bush With Tiny Flowers (The color green tried to dominate but the tiny purple (i think) flowers decided to shine and just spread themselves everywhere.)
Tiny White Flowers (By my house we have a bush and this push as some tiny white flowers. The petals and the leaves show curved lines. The framing could have been better because there is an unwanted part of a car in there.)
Silhouette Trees (I love this photo. It captures the beauty of nature because it looks like someone painted the sky with colors. Also, the lighting had made the trees(along with the houses) become silhouettes,)

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