20130312_135009 by KRoberts
  1. KRoberts' Gallery
  2. fun times in Yame!fun times in Yame!
  3. 20130312_13500920130312_135009

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Item information:

20130302_191053 (First thing I noticed about Fukuoka.... no more English on the maps!)
20130302_202307 (First stop CoCoIchiban! Reminds me an awful lot of Hurry Curry back home.)
20130302_202337 (Level 4 spicy!!!)
20130302_222247 (Its a map of Yame)
20130303_171220 (Isaac decided to show me some real Japanese food... MakuDanurodosu,
I got The Big Idaho Burger! Australian beef patty, hash brown, raw onions, creamy ranch sauce, cheese, and bbq sauce. With some Shaka Shaka Fries on the side.)
20130303_171215 (Isaac got the Bigu Maku)
20130303_204928 (Dinner time, Yaki Tori, in Chikugo!)
20130303_205026 (With Chiharu, Nagisa, Sonny B. and Jessica!)
20130304_124756 (At a park in Fukuoka city!)
20130304_125530 (There was a pretty cool shrine right nearby)
20130304_130457 (Fukuoka city station)
20130304_201533 (Conveyer belt style Sushi)
20130304_203034 (Its ALIVE!!!!! (just kidding))
20130304_203020 (Squid?)
20130305_194628 (Barbecue (meat) flavor cheetos!.... Tabemasen....
20130305_223030 (Horse Sashimi! Tabemasu!!)
20130305_223216 (YakiTori Time once again! With Chimi and Midori, after their English lesson)
20130306_010809 (Umeno's bar, that's Umeno in the back)
20130306_012946 (After Umeno closed, he took us to the next bar for more beers, and some bugers!)
20130306_012917 (....drunk....)
20130306_014741 (Rosted garlic (with amexican flag??) Oishii)
20130306_023227 (And then to the next bar for super awesome snacks, and more Beer!!)
20130306_023222 (Awesome snacks!!)
20130306_023217 (Dude soo many freaking snacks.... yeah I tried them all....)
20130306_023557 (It's his bar, he is super cool and has a surprisingly high voice)
20130306_023630 (Creepy lady in the back @_@)
576458_342277412556684_1138112682_n (Snacks Buddy snacks)
20130306_023606 (She can see into your soul)
20130306_215630 (Azteca's Yame-Mexican food quite different from what I could get back home, and a bit pricey, but it was quite tasty. Isaac was happy to get his hands on the Hanero sauce.)
20130307_164551 (about a year ago this river flodded the town of yame, I think the water level was around two feet or so on most streets.)
20130307_164805 (About a year ago this river flooded. There were about two feet of water going down the streets of yame)
20130308_223152 (Karaoke night! (I don't really know that guy))
20130308_225304 (Kareoke bar! With Eric (from the english school) and his friends Patrick and Michi! The two other lady's worked at (maybe own) the bar)
20130309_140433 (Heading to Kurume)
20130309_163729 (It's the temple for lost baby's)
20130309_163832 (It's Eating Nagisa)
20130309_164020 (This dude was all like "You can't go in, we close at five!" and Nagisa was al like "It's 4:45, can't we just take a quick look?" and then he was all like"....No", and I was all like "What are you guys talking about?" (It was in Japanese))
20130309_164002 (Supposedly theres a scary picture of Japanese Hell in there, that people use to  scare their children into behaving.)
20130309_172053 (It's Kurume)
20130310_175852 (Best Udon in Kurume)
20130310_175942 (Udon with the works!)
20130310_230351 (Nagisa and Isaac making okonomiyaki! (Well...more like Nagisa telling Isaac what to do to make it, and Isaac telling her to do it lol))
20130310_232002 (Okonomiyaki! with cheese)
20130311_225218 (Massive snack time!)
20130312_134101 (Hard Rock Cafe...Japan, Literally the largest glasses I have seen in any Japanese restaurant (most are about half the size) in Hawkstown (Fukuoka) right accross the street from Hawk's stadium.)
20130312_135011 (Authentic Jamerican food! I got the curry mustard chicken, it came with a small scoop of mashed potatoes, veggies, and a plate of rice....)
20130312_135009 (Isaac got the burger)
20130312_145521 (Softbank Hawkes Stadium in Fukuoka, you get to shake hands with the greats.)
20130312_181705 (Ramen Stadium, it's Ramen vs. Ramen. In Canal City Fukuoka))
20130312_183221 (Canal City shopping center, mad superhero swag!)
20130312_183445 (Isaac trying to save money)
20130312_183438 (still trying to save...)
20130312_183723 (aww forget it)
20130312_195334 (Yo this dude has my phone.... with an antenna?? I want one.)
20130313_001949 (Ginger souchu in a russian mug, at Roots bar in Yame)
20130313_122351 (Hot pot, set menu)
20130313_123127 (I'm gonna eat it up!!!)
20130313_123117 (Japanese pose first though)
20130313_123105 (Dig in!)
20130313_134052 (Yame tourist center... yeah thats real gold)
20130313_134430 (This guys is showing us how they made paper back in the day)
20130313_140930 (Isaacs turn)
20130313_141700 (I made these! Who wants one?)
20130313_170038 (Isaacs up to bat)

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