Dam and Amphitheater by MarcoMoralespickering
MarcoMoralespickering's Gallery MarcoMoralespickering's Gallery
  1. MarcoMoralespickering's Gallery
  2. DadOnMineCraftDadOnMineCraft
  3. Dam and AmphitheaterDam and Amphitheater

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Item information:

Enderman Bridge (I made a bridge to my kid's island, made an Enderman and filled it up with... Endermen. :)  Surprise!)
Dad's Pad (Dad's pad. You can only get to it by an underwater tunnel.)
Flight 123 (A plane! When I came back the kids had filled it up with water.)
Flight 123 (The inside of the plane)
The Bay (The Bay. On the far right, a Pointer: follow the direction of the blocks to the next bit of known land, across the ocean.)
SandLand (SandLand! There was nothing there when we started...)
SandLand passage to Atlantis (I made an underground tunnel that takes all the way into Atlantis.)
Atlantis (I built an underwater 'bubble', with a special door mechanism to enter/exit. The kids filled my Atlantis with cows.)
Atlantis (detail) (To get in or out, you must break the door, enter, build the door, then break the next door, exit and build it. Otherwise the underwater Atlantis would flood.)
The Bay (The Bay.)
White Brick Road (A trapped-filled walkway from the Town to SandLand. I made holes and false entrances, and filled them up with spiders. The kids built a railway on it instead.)
The Cemetery (The entrance to the Cemetery on the left.)
The Crypt (The Crypt in the Cemetery! I hid skeletons behind false doors.)
The Forest (The Cemetery at the front, and the Pathway across the forest.)
PAPA's Mountain ("PAPA" spelt out really large. I built a secret home between two letters.)
The Pirates are coming! (I told them the pirates would come - so I made this ship and filled it with zombies and skeletons! So when they opened the doors into the hull... arr!)
Traps underground (tunnel detail. I built mazes, corridors that go around in circles, holes and dead ends... fun! The kids hate it.)
The Tree House (The Tree House on the left, the Temple on the right.)
Entrances (I make a feature out of entrances to tunnels that I've rigged. Then I hide pigs, spiders or cows inside.)
The Temple (The Temple, built between two mountains.)
The Temple (I filled the Temple with Slimes, zombies and skeletons. It's got an upstairs, downstairs and a maze.)
The Long Road (The Long Road! Here I started a game: I hid the numbers 1-10 and asked them to find them.)
Number 2 (Somewhere underground is Number 2.)
Towers (At the very beginning - right after the Markers - I build Towers, because you can see them in the distance. (so you don't get lost). Then I hide monsters inside them. :))
Tunnels (I make tunnels, put spiders or skeletons inside and close the wall. Then I put a sign that says "break the wall", so then the spiders come out. :)  Kids get really annoyed.)
Long View (From Dune to the Outer Rim.)
Scorpion Entrance (Scorpion entrance! Deep underground, takes you to the mountain in the distance (right).)
Number 10 (Number 10, with my Home in the background.)
Floating island (Floating Island)
Tree Home (One of my kids' creations)
Photo saved on 2014-10-10 02-18-11 via iPad Photos (I found a grotto so I made an underground castle in ruins.)
In the Jungle (... it's easy to get lost.)
No Where (I made entrances all throughout the mountains - that lead nowhere.)
Dad's Castle (My Domain. Filled with creepy crawlies, traps and villagers.)
Dad's Castle (A warren of adventure!)
Jungle views (I would make random bridges between trees, just for the views.)
Jungle views
Featured entrance (More underground surprises...)
The Dam (I made  a dam and built homes in the mountain. The kids get lost in them.)
Waterfall on Ice (I made a home under the waterfall - filled with deadly skeletons.)
Blue House (One of my kid's amazing creations)
The Movies (They made a city with shopping stores, a jail ... so I made a cinema.)
Dad's Cinema! (I made a cinema.)
Blue House (I think it's influenced by our time in Holland. One of my kids' creations!)
Car park (by my kids!)
Little Town (by my kids! So I built the cinema and made holes in the ground that go all the way - so when they fall in, they die.)
Skeletons in the closet (I hide a lot of these behind doors and leave signs for my kids to 'break the door'.)
Waterfall on Ice (There's a secret hideout under th waterfall - full of skeletons.)
Mazes (There are three entrances here. Annoying, isn't it!)
Mazes (I don't make it easy for them...)
Long Ways (Sometimes you just want to build where no Dad has built before.)
LOTR Elf town (A whole colony in there. I told the kids they could only get in if they found the entrance. (I hadn't made one).)
Dad's castle. (Yup. My Domain.)
Balcony (Exactly what it says.)
Chess Island (I'm teaching the kids to play chess - so I made them a Chess Island.)
Fusion Rocket (It's a rocket!)
The Carpark (Right behind my House.)
Underwater bedroom (I've always wanted one. Until the kids filled it up with sheep.)
Halfway Land (I built a massive village suspended over the ruins.. which the kids filled up with zombies.)
Getting places
Dune (Part of the 'find numbers' game. Not easy.)
Number 3 (I hide numbers for my kids. Sometimes they yell out "I found number 3!!!!" to Mum, who has no clue what they're talking about.)
Number 1 (Well Hidden!)
Big Red Entrance (Tricks and treats underneath)
Pirates (A warning for the next quest.)
Dam and Amphitheater (.. zombies underneath.)
The Crypt (Spiders and skeletons hiding behind secret doors)
Into SandLand (a bridge crossing over. We built this city!)
Mazes underground.
Ocean Home (My first home, with great ocean views.)
top view!
Floating Tiki Spynx (The kids made a village, so I built this floating spynx on top of them, and let the water fall onto the animals. They got really annoyed so I built a pool to stop the water. Then I filled the inside of the Spynx with pigs and told them there was a treasure inside. :))
Ocean Home (my first home)
Where are you? (I made a closed block with a sign inside that read "Where are you?" and then logged out. So when my kids log in, they are inside a block of rock that looks like it's underground. And yet...)
Pointer (At the foreground, a Pointer. If you follow its direction, you will find more land beyond.)
Aztec God (... with entrance to the underground)
Atlantis (They filled it up with mad cows.)
The underwater entrance
Forest pathway and SandLand
The Cemetery
What lurks beneath?
Going Down!
The Precinct
Temple with Slimers
The Tree House
Adventure time!
Number 9
The Sand Hotel and Canal Village
Number 10 and my Ocean House
An idillic view
My favourite Ocean House
A Pointer (follow the direction to find more land
Chess marker
A Cloud
Peering into the Lava
Dad's Castle
Dad's Castle
Dad's Castle
Multilevel maze
Hidden in Ice

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