Central RR of NJ by Neminem
Neminem's Gallery Neminem's Gallery
  1. Neminem's Gallery
  2. Central RR of NJCentral RR of NJ
Immigrants went from Ellis Island to New Jersey
10.5 million immigrants crossed these piers.
The immigrant waiting room, initially it was covered.
Immigrants were walked through the side arch, to specific immigrant trains .
It was a huge hub with trains leading to all points in the U.S.
Along with time, it took a blow from the storm Sandy.
The lure to reach the US? Cool bikes.
This makes me think of a Bogart film.
Didn't quite nail this shot in BW so now a color version.
Speaking of color.
Immigrants went from Ellis Island to New Jersey 10.5 million immigrants crossed these piers. The immigrant waiting room, initially it was covered. Immigrants were walked through the side arch, to specific immigrant trains . It was a huge hub with trains leading to all points in the U.S. Along with time, it took a blow from the storm Sandy. IMG_5579 IMG_5582 IMG_5590 The lure to reach the US?  Cool bikes. IMG_5608 IMG_5627 This makes me think of a Bogart film. Didn't quite nail this shot in BW so now a color version. Speaking of color.
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