033 071413 by Pat Serio
Pat Serio's Gallery Pat Serio's Gallery
  1. Pat Serio's Gallery
  2. Summer 2013Summer 2013
  3. 033 071413033 071413

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Item information:

001 061113 foggy sunrise after night of storms
002 061113 foggy sunrise
003 061413 steamy road after rain
004 061913 Easter lily
005 061913 Easter lily
006 061913 Daylily
007 061913 Daylily
008 061913 bean flower
009 061913 Mrs J's hydrangea
010 061913 Mrs J's hydrangea
011 061913 Mrs. J's hydrangea
012 061913 Mrs J's cactus flower
013 061913 Mrs J's cactus
014 061913 Mrs J's cactus
015 061913 Mrs J's Black-eyed Susan patch
016 062213 hosta flower
017 062213 hosta flower
018 062213 hosta flowers
019 062213 flowering tree behind my yard
020 062213 beans
021 062213 tomatoes & kale
022 062213 more beans
023 062313 my first born carrots
024 062713 fresh-picked kale (home-grown)
025 070413 kale (home-grown)
026 070413 kale (home-grown)
027 070713 hay bale gardening (volunteer squashes)
028 070713 hay bale gardening (volunteer squashes)
029 070713 fresh-picked beans (home-grown)
030 070713 fresh-picked kale (home-grown)
031 070713 fresh-picked kale (home-grown)
032 071413
033 071413
034 071713
035 071713 greeting the morning
036 071713 turn the other cheek
037 071713 the other cheek
038 071813 maybe tornado sky
039 071813 super vivid tornado sky
040 071913 good morning, sunflower
041 071913 hay bale squashes
042 072213 hummingbird
043 072213 Day Lilies
044 072213 Day Lilies
045 072213 Day Lilies
046 072213 Day Lilies
047 072213 Day Lily after storm
048 072213 Day Lily after storm
049 072213 Day Lily after storm
050 073113 invasive flower from Mrs J
051 080213 fresh-picked kale
052 080213 fresh-picked kale
053 080413 Joy's neighborhood
054 080413 Joy's neighborhood
055 080413 Joy's neighborhood
056 080413 Joy's neighborhood
057 080413 hydrangea in Joy's neighborhood
058 080413 Joy and Dallas
059 80413 Tiger Swallowtail in Joy's neighborhood
060 080413 Tiger Swallowtail in Joy's neighborhood
061 080413 Joy's coneflower
062 080713 butterfly on siding
063 081013 sunrise
064 081013 Super Vivid
065 090313 butternut squash
066 091113 daddy cardinal feeding fledgling
067 091113 feed me, Daddy
068 091113 daddy feeding baby cardinal
069 091113 butterfly on deck door
070 091313 Lovey Dovey
071 091513 one solitary late rose
072 091713 Coopers Hawk - immature (found hunting bugs in my backyard)
073 091713 Coopers Hawk - immature
074 091713 Coopers Hawk - immature
075 091713 Coopers Hawk - immature
076 091713 Coopers Hawk - immature
077 091713 Coopers Hawk - immature
078 091713 Coopers Hawk - immature
079 091713 Coopers Hawk - immature
080 091713 Coopers Hawk - immature
081 091713 Coopers Hawk - immature
082 091713 Coopers Hawk - immature
083 091913 Precious Cat (Maine Coon)
084 091913 Precious Cat (Maine Coon)
085 091913 Precious Cat (Maine Coon)
086 091913 Precious Cat (Maine Coon)
087 091913 Precious Cat (Maine Coon)
088 091913 I feel so much better (Maine Coon; Mommy got me medicine, so I feel so much better)
089 091913 butternut squash in hay bale
090 091913 butternut squash
091 092013 Butterfly Weed seeds
092 092113 American Goldfinch
093 092113 American Goldfinch

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