KKM ENGM V1 by Aden Shibuya
Aden Shibuya's Gallery Aden Shibuya's Gallery
  1. Aden Shibuya's Gallery
KKM V15 Extra
KKM MCh104
KKM ENGM V4.5 MaidMer
Kyo Kara Maoh! English Manga Volume 1. ---------- Some of the pages might be slightly crooked because they slid in the scanner. Some text might also be blurry or difficult to see because of its small print. There's nothing I can do about the crookedness of a page, but I did go through and attempt to add the blurred or tiny text in the description area for the photos with blurred or tiny text. I didn't get to all of them, so if there are any pages with text that's too blurry or tiny for you to see, please send me a "note" via SlickPic and put "Blurred/Tiny Text" as your note's subject, and include the title of the picture in question. I'll get to it as soon as I can. Thanks. -- Prince Aden
Table of Contents: 1) To the Other World-Go!; 2) What Am I?!; 3) Arrival At Blood Pledge Castle; 4) The Three Brothers; 5) Bishonen vs. The Baseball Kid; 6) Descent of the Maoh!!; Afterward ---------- Note: This is just a picture of the "Table of Contents" of Kyo Kara Maoh English Manga Volume 1. It "does not" represent the number of actual chapters uploaded! ---------- Chapters 1 - 4 have been uploaded. Chapters 5 and 6 will be uploaded at a later date. -- Prince Aden
"Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with your dad working at a bank. It has nothing to do with interest rates." Miko [left page; panel three, under the word "screech."] ---------- *Yuuri's means "advantageous" or "good rates" (as in bank interest rates). [left page; bottom left.]
* "Shibuya Yuuri, Harajuku Fuuri," a play on Yuri's name, means "advantage Shibuya, disadvantage Harajuku," referring to adjacent wards of Tokyo. -- [right page; bottom; tiny print]
* Marchen = German Fairy Tales -- [right page; bottom; tiny print] ----- //Is everyone cosplaying?// Yuuri [left page; panel four.] ----- Note: The "a" in "marchen" is supposed to have two little dots above it, but I can't make the character with my keyboard. :(
"Neeigh!" Horse -- [right page; panel one; top; tiny print]
//It came all the way to here...// Yuuri -- [last panel; top right corner; tiny print - by Yuuri's fingers.]
Kyo Kara Maoh English Manga Volume 1, Chapter 2
//This feels a little...// Yuuri -- [last panel; right side; tiny print - between Yuuri's head and the last narration box.]
"Uh.. most Japanese people look like this. And this is just my uniform." Yuuri ((Tiny print, top right panel, left text bubble.))
"How does your majesty know our language?" Gunter -- [top panel; right side;] ----- "What are you talking about? Everyone here speaks perfect Japanese. What country are you guys from anyway? I'm surprised how fluent you guys are." Yuuri -- [second panel; right side; text bubble; tiny print] ---------- Note: I didn't realize the right side of this page was kind of blurry. I'll try to re-scan it and re-upload it later.
~ Not listening ~ [third panel; under text bubble; tiny print]
* Saitama is a prefecture in Japan, right above Tokyo - Editor's Note -- [between the first and second panel.]
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