Project 6: Spring Break by CynthiaOsorio
  1. CynthiaOsorio's Gallery
  2. Project 6: Spring BreakProject 6: Spring Break
sd central library
tuna and a giant cup
@ dali's room
coronado bridge
on The Fright's bandcamp
tried on prom dresses
Shaper Studios
Golden Beaches!!
The Frights!!
Bought a CD
Tuna broke her arm
Started reading a book
book has pictures
Rosarito beach
Lunch with fam
dalis schleep
3rd floor of library
sd central library dead tuna and a giant cup @ dali's room coronado bridge on The Fright's bandcamp tried on prom dresses Shaper Studios Golden Beaches!! The Frights!! Bought a CD Tuna broke her arm Started reading a book book has pictures Rosarito beach Lunch with fam dalis schleep chikibaby 3rd floor of library sun
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